MÁS develops programs centered on Afro-Latino arts, culture, and spiritual practices as tools to activate community power, eradicate racism, and increase the visibility and contributions of Afro Latinos in Seattle. Regardless of their racial or ethnic backgrounds, our programs, events, and space create an alternative to the influences of educational systems that reproduce racial stereotypes while also promoting inclusion and creating/strengthening connections across generations and ethnic groups.
The educational and artistic programs of MÁS:
Provide space for Afrolatino artists and their communities to voice their experiences, as well as to share and compare their collective diasporic histories.
Provide a community-based and community-oriented hub for Afrolatino arts, something that is so much needed in the North West.
Help build bridges among diasporas (Afrolatino, Afroindigenous, Latinos, African American and immigrant populations at large)
Help create stronger and more connected communities and provide rootedness to Afrodescendents from diverse regions
Inspire the larger local artistic community and cultural landscape with richer components
Fill educational gaps and instill the larger community with new insights and holistic opportunities for participation through the arts.

Conectándonos MÁS
Conectándonos MÁS is a youth program that aims to educate and inspire young people to connect and explore their ancestral roots and learning about the cultural contributions of African descendants in Latin America, Central America, and the Caribbean.

MÁS Conversaciones para más orgullo
It is a virtual space that aims to raise awareness about anti-blackness feelings and provides a space of support and healing for members of our community.

MÁS Workshops
We connect our community with Afro-diasporic arts and knowledge in the city of Seattle.