Hello, my name is Hever. I am 20 years old and I like music. For this reason, my offering in the program is interpreted in the form of lyrical rap.
I shout the poetry not everyone understands
Only people of color, indigenous, and their descendants.
People who were mistreated and remain
In racial struggle with the fucking colonizer
I have indigenous blood running through my veins
One generation ago my people were chained
My grandfather was murdered only because of his brown skin.
Today I feel pride of having it until this date
My features tell me that I never fear
To the gentrifiers and their damn system
They raise the rent and create a whole problem.
They want to imprison us with their shitty law
It’s a shame to know that we are the same
And receive bad treatment from people without manners
The education I have was learned on the street
And no white guy is going to be able to make me shut up