Today (02/21/25) we start the third cohort of our Youth program Conectándonos MÁS with our opening party at: Washington Hall, from 6 to 8:30 pm. A total of 29 youths registered to join the program and will gather for this initial celebration with their families and friends. This evening will be full of fun activities, information about the program, and a meal that will allow us to share elements of the culinary traditions of the Afro-diaspora.

This year the program will consist of 14 meetings that will end in a final celebration at Washington Hall on June 7, where our youths will share their works with the community. The young people will be able to develop 3 individual and collective artistic projects with artists who promote Afro-diasporic arts and culture. In the first project, we will take root with the help of: MIlvia Berenice Pacheco Salvatierra, Sabrina Chacón-Barajas, Evelyne Laurent Perrault, and Hever Bustos, who was one of the young participants of the 2023 cohort, and is now part of the facilitating team and the organizing committee of the program; in the second project we will work on autobiographic narratives through photography and writing guided by the artists: Avióna Brown and Fernanda Bruno; and for the final project we will learn about the cultural traditions of the Garífuna People and the Afro diaspora of Puerto Rico with the guest artists: Juanita Crisanto y Otoqui Reyes.
This year we will have a special event in which we invite the community to share a session of the program with us. Evelyne Laurent-Perrault will visit us in Seattle and we will have a community seminar on the Afrodiasporic history of Abya Yala on March 8 at the Union Cultural Center. The open meeting with the community will take place from 10vam to 12vpm. If you want to participate, please contact MÁS by sending an email to o