In this year 2025 we gather for the 3rd time to enjoy the workshop “Metresas, and imaginary dissidents to coloniality”. Together with Catinga ediciones, we put efforts into bringing this new workshop edition led by Johan Mijail to our virtual community. From 26 applicants, 15 participants were selected: writers, activists, artists, LGBTQ+ people, and racialized people. The classes were scheduled to start on February 3, but were postponed to begin on February 10 and end on February 18.
During this time, the participants will create autobiographical texts that will be compiled in the 3rd volume of the fanzine: Torcer las palabras. It will be available to the MÁS community in spring. The dates of the fanzine presentation and physical availability will be announced on the website, newsletter and social networks. Volumes 1 and 2 corresponding to the previous workshops are currently available in our resources section. With your support we will be able to continue connecting the Afro-diasporic communities of Abya Yala through the arts.