Following our celebration, we also want to Celebrate the people who, with their work and vision, made the birth of MAS possible: toMónica Rojas-Stewart . Mónica Rojas-Stewart and to all the people who were part of the“ Black Diaspora Initiative ” The seed from which Movimiento Afrolatino Seattle was born: Bayano Group and Los Hijos de Agüeybana (AfroPuerto Rican dance group), Fundación International Capoeira Angola of Seattle (FICA-Seattle, AfroBrazilian martial arts), Seattle Fandango Project (a community of Fandangueros in Seattle) Hagucha Garinagu (Raíces Garífuna, music and dance group with members from Honduras and Guatemala), All Cuban Folklore (AfroCuban music and dance group) and De Cajón Project (AfroPeruvian artistic organization)

The Founding Board of Directors that established MÁS as a non-profit organization: Jacqueline Larrainzar, Anne Petersen, Keisha Wilson, Ricardo Güity, Delia Pinto SantiniandSilvio Dos Reis, with assistance from Jacob Galfano