On April 29th we finished the journey we started on January 14th with the Youth Program “Conectándonos MÁS” (connecting more). (connecting more). With the support of Seattle’s Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL), we welcomed the first in-person cohort of the program. Throughout the 14 sessions of the cycle, the youths had the opportunity to connect with their Afro-diasporic heritage and process these elements of their identity through art.
While our first cohort of Conectándonos MÁS was held exclusively online, we learned a lot about the differences between organizing in virtual versus physical spaces. This new cohort was exciting and brought us a whole different perspective. We faced new challenges and explored new ways of organizing new strategies and curriculum. With this learning, we want to continue creating bridges between Afro-heritage youth and artists and researchers who promote Afro-diasporic history and arts.
The 2023 Cohort
A total of 16 youth completed the program by interviewing the artists they connected with during the program; creating a photographic self-portrait; and creating a piece of art of their chosen media. Throughout the program, youth had opportunities to share their own artistic practices through workshops. in addition to sharing their cuisine traditions through dishes we enjoyed every weekend during our cohort gatherings at Othello-UW Commons, during which families were invited to join.
The program closure
In the final celebration, we shared with the community the fruit of the program, where youth performed and displayed their art pieces and presented about their interviews and experiences while we enjoyed family food, music, and dance. We ended by honoring the youth and their journey through the program.